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3rd Diploma in biostatistics applied to the health area


Duration: 3 months


Validez oficial/curricular de la red SEP-CONOCER EC0301

Masterclass (webinar) GRATIS: 1 de mayo del 2025  



Inicio:  5 de mayo del 2025 o inmediatamente (recibiendo el comprobante pago)



Modality: Online: synchronous / asynchronous


Spanish Language

about the DIPLOMA

In this course, sequence and structural bioinformatics will be seen in an integral way, which includes general bioinformatics, molecular modeling, immunoinformatics, docking and molecular dynamics, in addition to reviewing the concepts, the students will carry out the practice jointly with the teacher asynchronously.



Module: Basic level

Research protocol and biostatistics relationship


Variables  and building the database in excel

Workshop: elements of an investigation and their relationship with the variables

Descriptive statistics and  inferential basic level: algorithm

Workshop: Elaboration of the statistical design of a protocol

Graphs overview to present results

Workshop: Create graphs in statistical programs

Proportions and ratios and rates

Workshop: Determination of proportions, ratios and rates

Endemic channel

Workshop: Elaboration of endemic channels

Sampling, calculation of the sample size and its relationship with the type of study and groups

Workshop: analysis and writing

Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion that are most used in practice

Workshop: analysis and writing

Module: Intermediate level


Distribution tests: Kolmogorov-smirnov and Shapiro Wilks

Workshop: analysis and writing


Contingency tables, Odds ratio, relative risk

Workshop: analysis and writing

Chi square / Fisher's exact

Workshop: analysis and writing

Student's t / Mann Whitney's U

Workshop: analysis and writing

paired t / Wilcoxon

ANOVA / Kruskall Wallis

Workshop: analysis and writing

Pearson / Spearman correlation

Workshop: analysis and writing


Module: Advanced level

General linear model of repeated measures

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Simple diagnostic tests and COR curve

Workshop: analysis and writing

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

ANCOVA / MANOVA AND adjustment of covariates

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Concordance tests

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Survival Curves

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Binary logistic regression

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Linear regression

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Instrument validation I

Workshop:  data collection, analysis and writing

Do you want more details? download the agenda in PDF

What will you learn

Statistic analysis


Design of experiments

Discussion of the statistical result

Martha Martinez Garcia

It is a course designed for online work, the materials required for the execution of the exercises are delivered, examples are seen in class and that facilitates the performance of activities. The teacher answered the questions quickly, and in my case she received my activities by mail, as my handling of the platform is poor.

Investment $ 5,200 MN (260 US dollars)

Mexico City, Mexico l  

© 2021 by Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Innovation-Services.

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